Freelooters is a first person movement shooter where players select their own dual-wielding loadouts and use them in a frantic dash to collect as much loot as possible. Each weapon is given both combat and movement functionality, making every possible combination feel and play differently. With 5 different weapon choices ranging from the precise sword, the explosive shipwrecker, and the grappling hook inspired "yarrm," the loadout system offers immense experimentation and replayability.
As a programmer and designer on Freelooters, my tasks namely revolved around setting up base player movement and creating a framework for the rest of the weapons to function on. I created and designed the systems for moving, wall grappling, and dashing, as well as the pistol and shipwrecker weapons.
Freelooters was developed by a team of 8 over a 4 week period as a prototype using the Unity engine. This prototype would go on to be selected as the basis for one of my senior cohort's capstone projects: SoulSync City.